Dark Mode

Use DataStax Astra DB as the storage backend for JanusGraph server.

JanusGraph uses the Java driver to connect to Apache Cassandra(R). The Java driver supports the use of the secure connect bundle to connect to Astra DB but JanusGraph does not provide this functionality so it is necessary to unpack the secure connect bundle and use its contents to configure JanusGraph.

This article assumes you have a running installation of JanusGraph server. This was written and tested on JanusGraph v0.6.0.

You will also need to:

Prepare your secure bundle

  • On the JanusGraph server, unpack your secure bundle.
  • Extract your database metadata from the config.json file.

Configure JanusGraph

  • On the JanusGraph server, modify the CQL storage configuration file janusgraph-cql.properties . Make the necessary changes using the example template below.
  • Using the example values in the config.json above, the conf/janusgraph-cql.properties would contain:

Final test

  • Start a Gremlin console.
  • Load a graph using Astra as the storage backend with:
  • In the Astra DB CQL Console, check that the JanusGraph tables were successfully created: