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Delete data in your tables using the DataStax Astra DB REST API.

You can delete rows in a table.Use the link:_attachments/restv2.html#operation/deleteRows[Delete rows] endpointto remove the rows in the table you created previously.

To delete a row, send a DELETE request to /api/rest/v2/keyspaces/undefined/undefined/undefined .For this example, the primary key consists of a partition key firstname andclustering column lastname , so we delete all data with Mookie/Betts :

If you have a row where the primary key consists of multiple partition keysor multiple clustering columns, the undefined should be entered as undefined/undefined/undefined/undefined depending on the primary key definition. For instance, if we had defined theprimary key as firstname/lastname and the clustering columns as user_id/age ,the example above would have a undefined of Mookie/Betts/100/35 .