Dark Mode

The JMS specifications require a specific behavior for MessageListener in respect to concurrency, and to support that, undefined starts a dedicated thread per MessageListener session.

There are also specific behaviors mandates regarding these APIs:

  • `Connection/JMSContext.start()`
  • `Connection/JMSContext.stop()`
  • `Session.close()/JMSContext.close()`
  • `Connection/JMSContext.close()`

undefined implements its own concurrent processing model in order to obey the specs, but it cannot use the built-in facilities provider by the Pulsar client.

For CompletionListeners , which are useful for asynchronous sending of messages, undefined relies on the Apache Pulsar™ asynchronous API, but there are some behaviors that are yet to be enforced with respect to `Session/JMSContext.close()`.

In Pulsar properties are always of type String, but the JMS specs require support for every Java primitive type. In order to emulate that behavior for every custom property set on the message, undefined sets an additional property that describes the original type of the property.

For instance if you set a message property `my-key=1234` (integer), undefined adds a property `my-key_jmstype=integer in order to properly reconstruct the value when the receiver calls getObjectProperty`.

The value is always serialized as string. For floating point numbers, undefined uses Double.toString/parseString and Float.toString/parseString with the behavior mandated by Java specifications.

System properties and fields:

Properties processed by undefined in a special way:

  • All properties with a name ending in _jsmtype : Additional properties that contain the original data type.
  • JMSType : Value for the standard field JMSType .
  • JMSCorrelationID : Base64 representation of the standard JMSCorrelationID field.
  • JMSPulsarMessageType : Type of message.
  • JMSMessageId : Logical ID of the message.
  • JMSReplyTo : Fully qualified name of the topic referred to by the JMSReplyTo field.
  • JMSReplyToType : JMS type for the JMSReplyTo topic. Allowed values are topic or queue (default: topic ).
  • JMSDeliveryMode : Integer value of the JMSDeliveryMode standard field, in case it differs from DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT .
  • JMSPriority : Integer value of the priority requested for the message, in case it differs from Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY .
  • JMSDeliveryTime : Representation in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch of the JMSDeliveryTime field.
  • JMSXGroupID : Mapped to the key of the Pulsar message. Not represented by a message property.
  • JMSXGroupSeq : Mapped to Pulsar Message sequenceId if it isn't overridden with a custom value.
  • JMSConnectionID : ID of the connection.

Special message field mappings:

  • property JMSXDeliveryCount : Mapped to 1 + the Pulsar message RedeliveryCount field.
  • field JMSExpiration : Representation in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch of the expiration date of the message. Used to emulate time to live.
  • field JMSRedelivered : Mapped to true if JMSXDeliveryCount > 1

Ignored fields:

  • JMSXUserID
  • JMSXProducerTXID
  • JMSXConsumerTXID
  • JMSXRcvTimestamp
  • JMSXState

For more details on JMS properties, refer to section "3.5.9. JMS defined properties" in the JMS 2.0 specifications.

Each connection may have a client identifier that can be set programmatically or configured administratively using the jms.clientId configuration parameters. Client identifiers must be globally unique but there is no way to enforce that constraint on a Pulsar cluster.

When you set a clientId , the actual subscription name in Pulsar is constructed as `clientId + '_' + subscriptionName`.

The JMS 2.0 specifications describes broadly a generic messaging service and defines many interfaces and services. Apache Pulsar® does not support all of the required features, and undefined is a wrapper over the Apache Pulsar Client.

Most of the features that are not natively supported by Pulsar are emulated by undefined, which helps in porting existing JMS based applications.

FeatureSupported by PulsarEmulated by undefined
Message selectorsUnsupportedEmulated
NoLocal subscriptionsUnsupportedEmulated
Per message TTLTTL supported at topic level, not per-messageEmulated
Global clientId registryUnsupportedPartially emulated
Global unique subscription namesSubscription name is unique per topicPartially emulated
Temporary destinations (auto deleted when the connection is closed)UnsupportedPartially emulated
Creation of subscriptions from clientSupported (requires relevant privileges granted to the client)
Delayed messagesUnsupported for Exclusive subscriptionsundefined provides an option to use shared subscriptions even in cases where an exclusive subscription would be preferred
Message PriorityUnsupportedPriority is stored as property and delivered to the consumer, but ignored
Non-Persistent MessagesUnsupported (every message is persisted) DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT is stored as property and delivered to the consumer, but ignored
TransactionsSupported for the BETA of Pulsar 2.7.xTransactions must be enabled on the client and on the server
StreamMessage Unsupported in PulsarEmulated by storing the whole stream in a single message
Topic vs QueueUnsupportedEach destination is a Pulsar Topic; the behavior of the client depends upon which API you use
Username/password authenticationUnsupportedUnsupported, but you can configure Pulsar client security features
JMSXDeliveryCount / JMSRedelivered UnsupportedThe behavior of the delivery counter in Pulsar follows different semantics from JMS

Message selectors let you choose not to receive messages that do not meet a given condition while NoLocal subscriptions prevents a consumer from receiving messages sent by the same connector that created the consumer itself.

Both of those features can be emulated on the client side with the following limitations:

  • For exclusive subscriptions, the message is discarded on the client and automatically acknowledged.
  • For shared subscriptions, especially on queues, the message is discarded on the client and is "negative acknowledged" in order to let other consumers receive the message.
  • For QueueBrowsers , the message is discarded on the client side.

Currently, the implementation of message selectors is based on Apache ActiveMQ® Java client classes, which are imported as dependency in undefined.

The JMS specifications require a subscription name, together with the clientId , to be globally unique in the system. In Pulsar, the subscription name is defined in the scope of the Topic, so you can use the same subscription name on two different topics, referring to distinct entities.

The most notable side effects while using Pulsar with the JMS API are:

  • `Session.unsubscribe(String subscriptionName)` cannot be used, because it refers to the subscriptionName without a topic name.
  • In instances such as changing a message selector, you must unsubscribe the old subscription and create a new subscription.

In Pulsar, undefined can't attach labels or metadata to subscriptions, and can't enforce that a subscription is accessed globally using the same "message selector" and noLocal options. Pulsar does not have the concept of clientId , so it is not possible to prevent the existence of multiple connections with the same clientId in the cluster. Such a check is performed only locally in the context of the JVM/Classloader execution using a static registry.

In Pulsar 2.7.x, delayed messages are delivered immediately, without respecting the delay, in the case of exclusive subscriptions. In order to mitigate that behavior, undefined allows you to use shared subscriptions even where an exclusive subscription would be a better fit. The most notable case is `Session.createConsumer(destination)`, which creates an unnamed subscription, and an exclusive subscription would be a better fit.

If you set `jms.useExclusiveSubscriptionsForSimpleConsumers=false` the client will use a Shared subscription, and the delay is respected.

See https://github.com/apache/pulsar/wiki/PIP-26:-Delayed-Message-Delivery[PIP-26,window=_blank] for details.

Temporary destinations are created using Session.createTemporaryQueue and Session.createTemporaryTopic and should create a destination that is automatically deleted then the connection is closed. In Pulsar, since there is no concept of a JMS Connection, that behavior cannot be implemented.

undefined emulates the behavior by trying to delete the destination on `Connection.close() and in ConnectionFactory.close()` but there is no guarantee that that will eventually happen, if, for instance, the client application crashes or a temporary error occurs during the deletion of the destination.

Subscription creation

In order for undefined to create subscriptions it must be granted permission, and the broker must be configured to automatically create subscriptions by setting the `allowAutoSubscriptionCreation=true` parameter on the broker configuration.

  • Pulsar Jms Quickstart Sa: Create a simple command line Java JMS client that connects to a local Pulsar installation.
  • Pulsar Jms Quickstart Astra: Create a simple command line Java JMS client that connects to an Astra Streaming instance.
  • Pulsar Jms Install: Install undefined in your own JMS project.
  • Pulsar Jms Mappings: Understand Pulsar concepts in the context of JMS.
  • Pulsar Jms Faq: Frequently asked questions about undefined.
  • Pulsar Jms Reference: undefined configuration reference.
  • *undefined Github repo*