Dark Mode

Use DataStax Bulk Loader (dsbulk) to load and unload data in CSV or JSON format with your DataStax Astra DB database efficiently and reliably.

You can use dsbulk as a standalone tool to remotely connect to a cluster.The tool is not required to run locally on an instances, but can be used in this configuration.

The dsbulk command examples often show a parameter such as -url filename.csv or -url filename.json .Optionally, you can load or unload data from/to compressed CSV or JSON files.For details, refer to the https://docs.datastax.com/en/dsbulk/doc/dsbulk/reference/connectorOptions.html#connectorOptions__connectorCompressionFile[--connector.(csv|json).compression] option.

  • Download dsbulk .
  • Unpack the distribution to your machine:
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  • Get your Client ID_ and _Client Secret by creating your application token.
  • Connect dsbulk to your Astra DB database by including the path to the secure connect bundle, and the Client ID_ and _Client Secret.Use the -b option to specify the location of the secure connect bundle.The specified location must be a path on the local filesystem or a valid URL.

If a secure connect bundle is specified, any of the following options are ignored and a warning is logged:

  • Contact points
  • Consistency level other than LOCAL_QUORUM (only for loading operations)
  • SSL configurations

See the --driver.basic.cloud.secure-connect-bundle, window="_blank" parameter for more information.

Load CSV or JSON data with a dsbulk load command.

Load data from a local file

Load data from a local file export.csv with headers into keyspace ks1 and table table1 :

  • 1

Specify a file with URLs

Specify a file that contains a list of multiple, well-formed URLs for the CSV or JSON data files to load:

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Load CSV data from stdin

Load CSV data from stdin as it is generated from a loading script generate_data .The data is loaded to the keyspace ks1 and table table1 .If not specified, the field names are read from a header row in the input file.

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Use the dsbulk unload command to unload data from the specified keyspace and table to a CSV or JSON file.

Unload data example

Specify the keyspace ks1 and table table1 from which to unload the data to a CSV file:

  • 1

The -url value can designate a path on the local filesystem or a valid URL.