Dark Mode

  • cURL to run REST queries

If you haven't already, create a database using Astra DB.

Before you get started, set your environment variables to save time developing on your database.

  • In Astra DB, select the database to which you want to connect.
  • In your Database Dashboard, select Connect.
  • Select REST API.
  • Follow the steps in the prerequisites to get your application token and set up your environment variables.
  • In your command-line interface associated with your environment, paste the following environment variables copied for your Astra DB database:
  • 1

Now you are ready to get started:

To view the API Reference, see Astra DB REST API.

If you prefer, you can use Postman as a client interface for exploring REST APIs(download here).We've provided ahttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/stargate/docs/master/modules/developers-guide/examples/json/StargateRESTAPI_userskeyspaceAstra.postman_collection.json[Stargate REST API Postman Collection]that you can import in Postman to play with the examples shown in this walkthrough.

Now you're ready to use the REST API for CRUD operations.