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Deploy the DataStax Apache Kafka™ Connector to stream records from an Apache Kafka topic to your DataStax Astra DB database.

The DataStax Apache Kafka Connector download package includes a sample JSON properties file ( dse-sink-distributed.json.sample ).Use the sample file as a reference when configuring your deployment.The dse-sink-distributed.json.sample file is located in the conf directory of the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector distribution package.


  • Download and install the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.
  • Configure the distributed worker configuration file connect-distributed.properties to fit your needs.Use this example from DataStax as a starting point.Specify the converter for the key.converter and value.converter properties that matches the form of your Kafka data.See Configuring converters in the Confluent documentation for more information on these properties.
  • From the directory where you installed Apache Kafka, start the distributed worker:
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The worker startup process outputs a large number of informational messages.The following message displays after the process completes: `[2019-10-13 19:49:25,385] INFO Finished starting connectors and tasks (org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.DistributedHerder:852)`. Configure the JSON configuration file (such as dse-sink.json) to use the Astra DB secure connect bundle.

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  • name: Unique name for the connector. Default: dse-sink
  • connector.class: DataStax connector Java class provided in the kafka-connect-dse-N.N.N.jar . Default: com.datastax.kafkaconnector.DseSinkConnector
  • cloud.secureConnectBundle: The full path to the secure connect bundle for your Astra DB database (`secure-connect-*database_name*.zip`).

Download the secure connect bundle from the DataStax Cloud console.If this option is specified, you must also include the auth.username and auth.password for the database user.

  • auth.username: Astra DB database username

When authorization is enabled, the DataStax connector login role must have a minimum of modify privileges on tables receiving data from the DataStax Apache Kafka® Connector.

  • *auth.password*: Astra DB database password for the specified username
  • Register the connector configuration with the distributed worker:
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ip and port are the IP address and port number of the Kafka worker.Use the same port as the rest.port parameter set in connect-distributed.properties .The default port is 8083.

You configured the dse-sink.json or dse-sink.properties file when installing the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.